Differences between galaxies
What is an interstellar medium???View more presentations from geislau15.
-Well an interstellar is between stars, but that is not what it really means. It means that the Interstellar space including streams of protons moving from the stars.
More interesting facts:
- Galaxies can look like they are fried eggs, which a flat circle with a bulge in the middle
- If we are able to look above from a galaxy it would look like it has a bright ball with arms sticking out on each side. But not all of the galaxies are the same way, if you look at a galaxy that didn't form correctly, it could look differently.
found from: "Stars and Galaxies - Different Types of Galaxies - Bob the Alien's Tour of the Solar System ." Bob the Alien's Tour of the Solar System. N.p., n.d. Web. 4 Jan. 2011.
Proficiency #2
The milky way pro. 4
View more presentations from geislau15.
Proficiency 3:
Theories of the Universe
Proficiency: 3